Sunday, February 6, 2011


Recently I took a survey that claimed to show what my values were.  My results were as follows:
  1. Fulfillment, Intellectual and
  2. Vocational achievement
  3. Courage
  4. Sincerity
  5. Spirituality

I believe that this survey mirrored my top values exactly.  My top goal in life is to have a sense of accomplishing something worthwhile.  I need to feel like I'm not just simply wasting my time on this Earth.  There needs to be a point to everything, there needs to be some consolation for all the suffering that I've been through.

I'm fiercely competitive and sometimes get into trouble, but I always have an urge to try new things and push new boundaries.  While the rest of my family wants security, I love to take risks.  Sometimes I let their values seep in and affect me to the point where I start to question myself.  In that aspect, I really admire those who are courageous and are able to express themselves freely. In my quest to be one of those people, I sometimes get a bit reckless, but all with the best intentions. 

In the midst of all this, is a person and I know that I couldn't bear it if others did not take me seriously or felt that they couldn't confide in me.  I despise liars and rank honesty as one of the best virtues because it is one of the hardest to obtain.  Lying only hurts others and causes trouble.

I've never been a truly spiritual person, in the common sense at least.  I do not pray regularly, and I do not know much of my Hindu religion.  However, I believe in it wholeheartedly.  I feel horrible sometimes for only praying to God whenever I really need Him, but I think He understands.  All I really want is a meaningful connection to Him.  Everyone needs some guidance and comfort sometimes.

All in all, values are a huge part of who you are.  They determine much of your personality and your way of living.  So, what are some of your values?
Picture from


  1. Navya,

    You did a nice job with this post and I like the picture you added. I know you'll accomplish something VERY worthwhile in your future, whether it be in medicine, music, or both! I can identify with your competitiveness and also the way in which you value sincerity and honesty.

  2. Thank you Ms. Mystrena! I feel like this survey really was spot on. I'm glad you enjoyed my little rant on my personal values :)

  3. wow, those are pretty spot on :) Mine are pretty similar :)
    Great post! I love the picture at the end :)
